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Applied GeoTech

Team #13: Cedar
Contact: Taylor Nordquist,, (801)566-6399
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rollins
Team Members: Kayla Wolfley, Sarah Partington, Nathan Niederhauser

A prefabricated steel bridge is proposed to be placed over the Spanish Fork River as part of the greater Salem Canal Trail project. The bridge abutments/foundations on either side of the river need to be designed, based on geotechnical information developed for the site. The project can be considered in phases: (1) Geotechnical Investigation: Provide geotechnical recommendations for design and construction of the bridge. A drill rig and drilling crew is available from the Sponsor to drill borings and collect soil samples at the site. The student team will observe/log the soil borings, plan/carry out laboratory testing program, perform geotechnical analysis, and provide geotechnical recommendations for design and construction. (2) Bridge Design: Consult with sponsor to determine span, width, architectural and structural treatments, and alignment of bridge. Consult with prefabricated steel bridge fabricator to determine design loads per the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification, including:
· Dead loads (DL)
· Pedestrian Loading (PL)
· Vehicle Loading (VL)
· Winds Loading (WS)
· Seismic Loading (EQ)
· Fatigue Loads (FL)
Determine appropriate load combinations and load factors per the AASHTO LRFD Table 3.4.1-1. (3) Foundation Design: Review Geotechnical Investigation including soils boring logs and allowable soil design recommendations. Analyze High Water Elevation (HWE) and stream velocities to determine abutment depths and scour protection if required. Design cast-in-place concrete abutments for bridge loading and coordinate geometry with bridge fabricator.
