Team Members: Garred Blanthorn, Isaac Pacheco, Joseph Pacheco
The City has a street light luminaire standard that specifies lumen, poles etc. Some vendors are suggesting the use of different materials or pole types and luminaire with some claims that the current City standards are not adequate. The project’s objectives are to: 1. Research different streetlight pole material types (i.e., steel, aluminum, thermoplastic) to understand the short- and long-term performance of such materials.
2. Study the coating/paint types that are on the market to understand the properties and performance of such coatings for protecting the pole hardware.
3. Study the LED luminaries typically used to describe their performance for illuminating the streets.
4. Study light color temperature (typically described in Kelvin) that would best provide for the needs of street illumination.
5. Research the principles of “Dark Sky” to understand what is needed and required to reduce light pollution from streetlights.