CUWCD – Underground Water Analysis Skip to main content

CUWCD – Underground Water Analysis

Team #17: Liquid Steel
Contact: KC Shaw,
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jones
Team Members: Devyn Vang, Andrew Thronton, William Thomas, Sofia Vega

CUWCD has drilled and operated numerous wells in the Vineyard area. Data have been collected since 2012 for ground water surface elevations on a continuous basis, as well as for well pump rates. Each well has a thorough well construction report, including well logs and extensive pump test results. Water quality data is available as well. CUWCD would like to have these data summarized and analyzed to determine the aquifer characteristics (thickness, hydraulic conductivity, hydraulic gradients, transmissivity, diffusivity, etc.) as well as a model run to determine water surface projections for future pump rates. It would be helpful as well if any conclusions can be made regarding iron and manganese concentrations as well as temperature of the groundwater. Desired outcomes would include a detailed summary report with maps, figures and other graphics necessary to portray aquifer properties and physical characteristics. Groundwater modeling for projected maximum pump rates would also be useful.
