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Lehi City

Team #8: Lehi City
Contact: Greg Allred gallred@lehi-ut.gov

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sowby

Team Members: Hunter Joy, Zachary Moncur, Ethan Wall

Lehi City has a pressurized irrigation system that provides untreated irrigation water to residents for outdoor use. This summer in late July early August we have found the presence of E.Coli 0157 in our irrigation system after several residents became sick and hospitalized after they had drank or played in the irrigation water. We are looking for a treatment option for our system that could be implemented to help remove the harmful E.Coli 0157 from our PI system. We would like the team to propose treatment options for us to implement within our system at the storage reservoirs or at booster station facilities that we could pursue outside of the irrigation season which typically ends October 15th. We have had initial conversations with some consultants regarding chemicals that are available for this type of use.

Statement of Work