Spanish Fork City 2023-2024 Skip to main content

Spanish Fork City 2023-2024

Team #1: Spanish Fork City
Contact: Harold Mitchell,

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Shultz

Team Members: Andrew Heathcote, Keeton Knight, Mackenzie Loo, Antonio Ruiz

The proposed project includes 2 primary components: 1) the creation of a simple database for traffic crash information that is capable of being regularly updated with monthly batches of new data, and 2) the creation of script or algorithm to geolocate the crashes for use in a GIS database based solely on strings of text for addresses. I expect that this will be largely accomplishable only at intersections, while one-time crashes at unique locations may require manual entry. This project, while rooted in transportation and traffic engineering, will require some extensive knowledge of ArcGIS Pro and a working knowledge of scripting languages that would enable database-driven record-keeping. The primary deliverable sought through this project is a GIS database containing geolocated crash data throughout the City based on the records kept by Public Safety officers. Ideally, it would include functionality to geolocate and quickly input new batches of data regularly, reducing the amount of labor that would be required to present crash data graphically. A report summarizing 5-year historical trends is also desired, with emphasis placed on high-crash intersections.

Statement of Work