Woodland Hills City - Storm Water Runoff Solutions
Team #4: V Flow HPS Contact: Ted Mickelsen, City Engineer, ted.m@jonesanddemille.com Corbett Stephens, Public Works Director, works@woodlandhills-ut.gov Faculty Mentor: Dr. Miller Team Members: Logan Hockema, Mahina Piena, Shirley Ashley
With increasing weather change, communities downstream of Woodland Hills have been experiencing increased runoff water from the Woodland Hills Community. The City has met with the County and a downstream community and committed to investigate potential mitigation efforts to reduce downstream flooding. Since the City first began developing, storm water infrastructure has not been part of the community improvements. As the City continues to develop the amount of runoff water increases. The City desires to investigate the increase in runoff from pre-developed to post-developed conditions and develop measures that will decrease the amount of runoff. These measures should include Low Impact Development improvements as will as traditional mitigation improvements.